Transformed in 90 Days

*Disclaimer: Transformed in 90 days program is not a medical organization. Do not consider any information displayed through this presentation as medical advice or diagnosis. Also, please note that results from using our program are not typical and may vary between different members due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors. You should always consult your physician or qualified health care practitioner before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

About Hunter Hobbs

Hi, my name is Hunter, and I’m just a regular guy, with an average metabolism and still very little time to spare for things like meal prep or exercise.

I’ve been out of shape and overweight, and I know how it feels. But since 2018 I’ve been fit and in the best shape of my life. I’ve walked the walk! And I think I can show you how you can do it too.

In fact, just look at your calendar right now and mark what day it will be EXACTLY three months from today. Time flies fast, three months is nothing for the kind of transformation you can achieve.

But being fit is about so much more than just good looks! If people ignore their weight problems long enough, they’ll eventually turn into health problems. Diabetes or heart conditions don’t just happen overnight, it’s months or years of postponing the DAY of getting back in shape!

What I am about to show you works for everyone. It really doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, if you’re in your 20s or your 60s, and it’s NOT another one of those miraculous “30 second morning rituals” that promise to thin you overnight, but never actually thin anything other than your bank account.

If you want to lose weight as fast as possible, you should first take a look at how our bodies burn fat:

The Fat Burning Pie: How it Works

Exercise: only 10%

If you are NOT a professional athlete or a fitness trainer, you probably burn at most 10% of your daily calories through exercise, if you exercise at all.

Haven’t you ever run on the treadmill and watched how incredibly slow the calorie counter goes up? You need to run about a mile to burn 95 calories, then a second mile to burn 95 more, and by the time you burn 250 calories it’s pretty hard. But if you think about it, 250 calories is just a small piece of chocolate that you can eat in seconds. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying exercises are no good. It’s just that most people focus their efforts on exercises which is just a small piece of the pie, or worse yet, they focus on the wrong kind of exercises.

There are some workouts that are easier and far more effective at burning calories, even hours after you’ve finished them. If you are curious if you’ve been doing the wrong exercises, stick with me to find out.

Thermic Effect: 10%

When you eat or drink, your body must expend some energy to digest, absorb, and store the nutrients. Here’s a quick tip: if you drink only cold water during a day, your body will burn approximately 100 extra calories to warm it up inside you, which is the equivalent of 10 to 15 minutes running on the treadmill each day without actually doing it.

Daily Activities: 15%

Your body also burns calories for daily activities, things like shopping, getting dressed, washing your teeth, taking a shower, driving, talking, going to the toilet, washing dishes or even just moving around on the couch in front of the TV. Anything that involves movement really. If you’re a very sedentary person this will be around 100 calories, but if you choose a more active lifestyle, you can expect to burn an additional 300 calories each day. That’s an extra 3 pounds lost per month right there, so it’s nothing to sneeze at.

Here’s a quick tip: next time you can take the stairs instead of the elevator, move around at your desk, clean the house more often, play with the kids, and cook more of your meals instead of ordering in. Just to give you a small example, pushing the lawn mower burns as many calories as jogging. Many small movements can make a difference at the end of the day.

But unfortunately, the part of the pie that matters most is still the one almost nobody focuses on, even if it’s responsible for burning between around 65% of your daily calories.

Resting Metabolic Rate: 65%

(this is what you should focus on)

Don’t you have that one friend who can eat almost anything they want, pizza, pasta, chocolate, chips without gaining weight? Well this is probably their secret! They have a fast Resting Metabolic Rate that burns a lot more calories for them without any effort on their part.

The master switch for your Resting Metabolic Rate is none other than your Thyroid!

The Thyroid is controlling your Resting Metabolic Rate simply by releasing more or less of its hormones called T3 and T4. These are also referred as the fat burning hormones because they are telling your body when to increase your metabolic rate and when to slow it down. So a sedentary person with high levels of T3 or T4 usually burns a lot more calories than a person with low levels of these hormones even if they exercise daily.

So, if you want to lose weight staying on a regular diet, after about 1-2 weeks your Thyroid starts to think you are starving, and turns your metabolism against you to conserve energy.

This is why diets work best in the first two weeks, but then, when your metabolism starts to slow down and your body burns less and less calories, you no longer see the same results as in the beginning.

What you want is to train your Thyroid to become more active and make more of its fat burning hormones, naturally.

There are very specific exercises that can help you do that. There are some foods that help your Thyroid produce more hormones naturally. And there are also foods, even so called healthy foods like kale, that interferes with the thyroid's ability to take in iodine, which is required by the Thyroid to produce the hormones T3 and T4 that speed up your metabolism.

Transformed in 90 days

The Fastest Way to Get Fit Naturally

I started to coach others through their own transformation. Very different people. What I did in the last 4 years was to fine-tune the program and optimize it for men and women of different ages, body types and fitness levels.

I did this with the help of a team of certified nutritionists, naturopaths, and other experts who helped me out.

Transform in 90 Days is for regular people who work a full time job, don’t have money to throw away or time to waste, but still want to transform their body.

Unlike any other program you can find or may have even tried, this is the only one that tackles all pieces of the pie, giving you the best results in the shortest amount of time. This hasn’t been done before!

So, today I would like to become your personal TRANSFORMATION coach. I would like to show you EXACTLY what I did and what you need to do as well to get the body you want and keep it that way. We’re going to do everything together, day by day. Nothing will be left to chance.

I encourage you to take a picture each day, just like I did, and witness your own transformation as it’s happening! This is not required, but it’s incredibly satisfying to compare the photo you will take today with the one you’ll take after a month, two months or three months from now, when your transformation is complete.

Here’s What We Will Be Doing Together In The Next 90 Days:

Metabolic Meal Plan (included in your Program)

First of all, we will set up a metabolic meal plan together.

Unlike restrictive diets that are hard to stick to, you will have a balanced meal plan that focuses on improving your metabolic rate. This is just the opposite of what most diets do, that rely on depriving your body of carbs, or fats or other nutrients to make you lose weight. The downside of that approach is that it slows down your metabolism making it harder and harder to lose weight and much easier to gain it back. The metabolic meal plan is not a diet.

Whenever you hear Keto, Atkins, Dukan, low carb, Paleo, or other popular diets that had “miraculous” effects in the lives of other people, you should run for the hills. Your body needs a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to function properly and stay healthy. You need balance on your plate! That means healthy carbs, fats and proteins, in the correct ratio. Depriving your body of these things, even for just a few weeks, can produce powerful imbalances, that not only sabotage your weight loss, but can also lead to health problems.

I’ll start off by asking you some questions about your height, weight, age, gender and so on to personalize the metabolic meal plan to your body and your specific transformation goals. It will take you a couple of minutes to fill out the answers but the fit-for-you metabolic meals you’ll get in the end will make everything easier and more enjoyable.

*Metabolic Meal Plan for vegetarians included in the program!

*Gluten-Free Metabolic Meal Plan included in the program!

First off, you’ll never get hungry because you can eat 5 times a day, every day. I’m talking about 3 delicious meals and two snacks.

Remember the piece of the pie responsible for digesting food? I choose this approach not only because it’s easy, and stops you from overeating, but also because it keeps your digestive system active, making it burn calories all day long to digest the same food. That doesn’t mean you’ll eat more foods than normal, we’ll just spread them differently.

I’ve designed the metabolic meal plan so that anyone can prepare or cook everything at home, while working a full-time job, so don’t worry, you’re not going to spend hours in the kitchen.

You can also find these meals or similar options at restaurants, or probably where you order food right now. You do not have to cook these meals if you don't want to!

During my transformation, I mixed things up, cooking two thirds of my meals at home, and the rest I ordered or ate out. I also had cheat meals from time to time.

To make things really easy, you’ll also get a food shopping list for each week of your transformation, that it's available on you phone.

Some things you'll find inside The Metabolic Meal Plan:

Fat Burning Elixir

You’ll discover how to make what I like to call The Fat Burning Elixir, that you can take before lunch to speed up your metabolism. We’ll make it together from plants, spices and herbs that you can easily find at your local supermarket. We’ll use American Ginseng, Cumin seeds, Alfalfa, Fennel, Cardamon, Turmeric and a few others and combine them in just the right amount to get the best results. And I’m sure you’ll love it!

The 3 Substances You Need to Keep Your Metabolic Rate Up

Many of the foods you’ll find in your metabolic meal plan are rich in the 3 substances that your Thyroid needs to function optimally. Whenever it’s deprived of one or more of them, it goes into “starvation” mode, slowing down your metabolism, and grinding your natural fat-burn to a screeching halt. One of these substances is L-Tyrosine, and it’s an important amino acid used in the production of the fat-burning Thyroid hormones.

The One Thing You Should Add to Your Coffee to Instantly Boost Your Resting Metabolic Rate

I’ll also show you the one thing you should add to your morning cup of coffee to instantly boost your resting metabolic rate for the first few hours of the day. The thing that I am talking about is actually the powder bark of a tree and you can get a few months’ supply for just 2-3 bucks at any supermarket.

9 Healthy Foods That Can Slow Down Your Metabolism

We will also try and keep to a minimum foods like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, radishes, kale and other so called “healthy options” that actually interfere with Thyroid ability to take in Iodine.

What happens when you pour salt into a cabbage?

What you’ll get in the end is a natural probiotic that improves your gut health. A good natural probiotic can be your own weight loss superpower, because it directly influences the number of calories you absorb from food. Be very careful here, because most pharmacy or store bought probiotics have other uses than slimming you down, and some may even make you gain weight. The recipe we will make together is easy, safe and has only one goal: to help you get rid of those stubborn fat deposits.

How to Make a Deep Sleep Bedtime Tea That Helps You Burn Fat in Your Sleep

Deep sleep is one of the most powerful yet underrated aspects of losing weight. If you’ve ever stepped on the scale before going to bed, and then when you wake up, you’ll almost always see that your weight has decreased during the night. Well, this happens because you lose some water weight during sleep, but also because your resting metabolic rate doesn’t stop burning calories, even when you’re sleeping. Usually, the deeper you sleep the less you’ll weigh in the morning. So, imagine waking up in the morning seeing the visible results of a good night’s sleep in the mirror, and having fewer and fewer food cravings during the day.

Weight Loss Tonic

I’ll also show you how to make the Weight Loss Tonic using just a few plants including Slippery Elm. This is actually a natural remedy that was originally created for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It provides extra fiber, stimulates your bowel movements and coats your intestines with a plant substance called Mucilage. This substance forms an additional protective layer all along your digestive tract.

And a LOT more...

The Metabolic Exercises (included in your Program)

The metabolic exercise plan is also customized according to your gender, age, body type and the kind of transformation you want.

Each training day, you get to choose whether you want to

do a gym workout or a home workout.

If you have time to hit the gym, then great – I’ll be there with you, on your phone showing you the correct form, sets and reps for each exercise of that day.

But what I think this program is best for, are the home metabolic routines. We will literally work together. I’ll be doing every exercise and every rep with you. It is EXACTLY like having me by your side as your personal transformation coach showing you every exercise and every move while motivating you along the way.

All you have to do is watch me on your TV, laptop, tablet or even phone… and mirror my every move, from the comfort of your home.

The 4 Types of Exercises We Will Be Doing:

1. HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

The first type of exercises will help you burn the most amount of fat in the least amount of time. Regular cardio is boring and needs a lot of time, that you may not have. The best part about these metabolic workouts is that you keep burning fat for as long as 48 hours after you finish them.

That’s why with just 10 minutes of these full body routines you can burn more calories than by doing an hour of regular cardio.

Cardio is what a marathon runner does. What we will be doing at home is closer to how a 100-meter-sprinter works out. None of them have fat deposits, BUT the marathoner runs from dusk till dawn and has barely any muscles, while the sprinter trains just a fraction of that time and looks sexy, healthy and fit. 

When you run the treadmill or do regular cardio, you burn fat and muscle indiscriminately, just like a marathon runner. You don’t want that. The metabolic workouts we will do together, burn more fat, and keep the muscles, so you can achieve the transformation you want in the least amount of time.

2. Exercises for Building Muscle Mass

The second type of exercises is designed to develop and sculpt every part of your body: arms, legs, abs, chest, shoulders, glutes, back and so on.

Of course for women, we will focus on glutes, legs and abs but we will leave no muscle untrained. For men we will focus on sculpting your chest, arms and back. Together we will be doing other exercises that will shape, strengthen and tone every single part of your body.

3. Exercises That Help Balance Fat-Burning Hormones

The third type of exercises we’ll do together is designed to improve your metabolism, your health and reduce the stress built up during the day.

One of the ways these work is by increasing blood flow to your thyroid. These exercises also make you feel more relaxed and peaceful and give you a much needed escape from daily worries and anxious thoughts.

4. Flexibility and Mobility Exercises

Your customized workouts will also have a range of stretching, flexibility and mobility exercises. A lot of people, even professional trainers, ignore this area completely. We won’t. Having a healthy body with a full range of motion, pain-free joints, less muscle stiffness, faster post-workout recovery, less muscle contractures, decreased back pain, and a lower risk of injury are not things you can afford to ignore.

I truly believe that having a functional, pain-free body is even more important than having a toned, good-looking physique.

The Best Time To Get Back In Shape Is Right Now!

Don’t wait until weight problems turn into health problems.

As fat gets burned away, you can expect to look down at better blood sugar levels, less cholesterol, less arterial plaque, and most of the things that might be jeopardizing your health as we speak and may even cascade into serious illness and disability down the line.

So here’s exactly how simple it is to follow the program.

After you get your credentials for Transformed in 90 Days, you can log into the Exclusive Member’s Area on your mobile, or your computer or tablet.

First you have to press “Personalize my Transformation” and here you just answer a few questions to let me tailor the transformation to your body and needs. And that’s it. Then just press “Start my Transformation” and begin whenever you want, including right now if you wish.

The Only Program That Tackles All The Pieces Of The Pie

There are many weight loss programs and even ones with good exercises and meal plans that could lead to decent results, BUT because they ignore the biggest part of how your body burns calories, they are hard to follow, you need to put in a lot of effort and you won’t see fast results to keep you motivated.

So, let’s embark on this journey together and help you get and keep the body you’ve always wanted.

If you choose to give Transformed in 90 days a try, today, you will also receive 4 exclusive gifts.

+ 4 Exclusive Gifts That Won’t Be Available For Much Longer

These bonuses are worth $150, but you will receive them for FREE.  

Digital Product

The first gift you will receive is called Fat Burning Herbs and Plants, which is worth $39, for FREE.

Inside you’ll discover which of the plants and weeds growing around your house, or sitting on a supermarket shelf can help you burn fat. Each of the dozens of fat burning plants found inside this FREE bonus works in a different way to help you maximize your results.

Digital Product

The second gift you’ll receive is called The Backpain Protocol and it’s worth $29. This program uses simple stretches, and spine conditioning exercises that release the tension in your lower and upper back. You can do them all in your living room, at work or wherever you have a few seconds to spare. Even if you do not have back problems, doing these stretches can prevent back issues in the future. This is especially important for people who work in front of their computer sitting down many hours a day, like I do.

Digital Product

The third gift you’ll get is called the The Lost Book of a Healthy Life and you could purchase it separately for $47, but today you can get it for free.

Inside, you’ll discover how to take care of different health problems naturally, using specific foods and eating patterns, natural remedies, stretches, massages, detoxes and many other methods that can complement modern medicine.

Digital Product

The 4th gift may take you by surprise. It’s called the Stress and Mental Health Protocol, and it’s valued at $35. In my opinion the state of mind is just as important if not more important than that of your body. I want you to be happy, to love yourself and to love life. Inside this protocol you will discover many techniques that you can use to alleviate stress and powerful natural remedies you can make at home like the Anti-Anxiety Elixir, The Headache Relieving Tea, the DIY Rosemary Memory Mixture, and many, many more.

Transformed in 90 Days Package

If you think about it, just one session with a personal trainer usually goes for $60 or more. 10 sessions will set you back at least $600. That can amount to thousands of dollars to see any real change. A nutritionist is even more expensive. And I really don’t think you’ll even come close to experiencing the same results as we will together.

I wanted everyone to afford this program, and at the same time I wanted to cover our expenses of making an extremely effective program, a user-friendly website, high quality videos, editing, and everything involved. I also didn’t want the program to be a subscription, so there are absolutely NO monthly fees or hidden costs whatsoever.

So, if you choose to embark on your transformation journey with me, right now you can get the entire “Transformed in 90 days” program, Fat Burning Herbs and Plants, The Backpain Protocol, The Lost Book of a Healthy Life and Stress and Mental Health Protocol for a one-time payment of just $37. You get to keep the program and the gifts for life.

$37 is less than a single workout with a personal trainer and about the price of a meal in a not-so-fancy restaurant.

$37 is less than a single workout with a personal trainer and about the price of a meal in a not-so-fancy restaurant.

Keep-the-Program Money-Back Guarantee

“Transformed in 90 Days” comes with an unique Keep-the-Program Money-Back Guarantee. That means you have three months to go through the program and experience every step of the transformation with me as your personal transformation coach. If at any time during the next three months you are unsatisfied with your progress or anything inside the program, or if you simply think it was not worth every cent, PLEASE go ahead and send me a message. Not only will you receive a FULL no-question-asked refund, but you will also get to keep the program and the 4 gifts as a thank you for giving the program a try. So really, what is the worst case scenario here for you? You get my program for free!

Many of the people who tried Transformed in 90 Days were understandably skeptical and swore “nothing ever worked’. Now they are fit, they are a lot healthier and they look and feel absolutely amazing.

The 3 Stages of Transformed in 90 Days:

And even if the Program is called Transform in 90 Days, you won’t have to wait anywhere near that long to see a change. Believe it or not, you may see the first results from the first week! You will probably lose the most pounds in the first 3 weeks, burning the fat deposits on your belly, thighs, arms, buttocks, everywhere.

Month 1 called INCEPTION

By the time you finish month 1, and you look in the mirror, you may already see your some changes. I personally got rid of the love handles and most of the belly fat by that time.

Month 2 called METAMORPHOSIS

And that is for a reason! Between week 4 and week 8, your body may change the most. Depending on your starting weight, this is the month when you usually see a 6 pack emerging. Just imagine waking up one morning, 2 months from now, and looking in the mirror and seeing your new sexy abs, your firm buttocks, your athletic legs, and your toned arms.


Month 3 is where we will fine tune the body of your dreams. We will work on defining your muscles and getting rid of the last ounces of fat. Here is usually where if you compare a picture of yourself before the program with the one taken here, you see the transformation I was telling you about all along.

With Transformed in 90 Days, you'll have everything you need to get in the best shape of your life just a click away.

Push that yellow button below this video and I’ll see you in the Members Area. Let’s begin your transformation.

Why You Should Give Transformed in 90 Days a Try

Today I would like to help you open a NEW WONDERFUL chapter in your life.

It is never too early or too late to look your best!

I don’t know about you, but let me tell you how I felt - and how many of the people that I coached felt - during their transformation.

I could actually see my belly getting smaller. So much so that by the end of month two it just wasn’t there anymore and you could actually see the beginning of a six pack. I never even thought that this would be possible for me, let alone in such a short time.

So how would you feel when your body begins to burn off the fat deposits around your belly and reveal the sexy six pack underneath? Or when your legs start to tone out and you begin to show those Instagram model legs?

Instead of those annoying love handles that hang over jeans, you could be looking down at a fat free waist and shredded obliques.

Any flabbiness in the upper arms disappears only to be replaced by tight triceps that you’ll have no problem showing of in a sleeveless dress or tank top.

I also want to assure you that what we will do together is probably the fastest way outside of plastic surgery to build and lift your glutes and get rid of cellulite deposits on both buttocks and upper legs.

Huge Confidence Boost

I know that looking good or BEING sexy isn’t everything! But FEELING good and sexy in your own body can be EXTREMELY rewarding.

It’s a huge confidence boost that influences every part of your life.

Your love life is BETTER when you don’t feel embarrassed taking your clothes off, and instead you are relaxed and feel sexy in your own skin.

Confident people experience less fear, stress and anxiety, and they generally have more opportunities at work, in business and in life.

Drop Those Shopping Bags!

Think about the last time you went grocery shopping and carried the heavy bags from your car to your home. It probably only took a few seconds, but you probably felt relieved to put them down.

If you have 20 pounds of extra weight on your body, it is just like carrying a 20-pounds shopping bag all the time, everywhere you go and no matter what you do.

You might not realize it, but when you shed those extra pounds off, you feel just like when you dropped those heavy bags on your kitchen floor. You free yourself, you feel better, you breathe easier, you have less pressure on every one of your joints and you have more energy to do the things you love.

Add More Good Years to Your Life

As you melt fat away, your biggest benefit is NOT even something you can see. It’s your health. It’s more active, pain free years in your life! You’ve probably seen people who struggle with all sorts of modern ailments from middle age onward. The sooner you start to get back in shape, the more good years you’ll probably get to enjoy.

People who are overweight or who are skinny fat, have an increase risk for developing many diseases or health problems such as Type 2 diabetes, stroke, anxiety, heart disease, liver problems or chronic pain just to name a few.

There are studies over studies from the most famous medical establishments that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that being out of shape causes many health problems including irreversible ones.

It Takes Just a Few Minutes a Day

As I mentioned, I was working a full time desk job doing overtime quite often. So I promise, during our 3 months together, you’ll have all time you want to focus your attention on other important things like your family, you job, or whatever matters in your life right now. All I ask of you is around 30 minutes a day. Think about how much time you spend each day either on Netflix, or watching TV, or browsing on your phone or laptop… if you think about it, these 30 minutes are nothing at all. But they could end up having the biggest impact on your life. If you work from home, I would say it can even be a well-deserved break that helps you focus better on your tasks.

I can’t stress this enough, you don’t have to cook your meals. You can cook as many as you want or NONE. You can easily order everything inside the Metabolic Meal Plan.

Tailored For You

As I mentioned, Transform in 90 Days is NOT a one-size-fits-all program, it is tailored to your specific circumstances: gender, weight, age and a few other factors that influence your metabolic rate. I’ve seen people transform their bodies no matter their age, race, or fat mass… at the core we all have the same biology. It is never too early nor too late to start this program, better your life and get the body you’ve always wanted.

Many of the people who tried Transformed in 90 Days were understandably skeptical and swore “nothing ever worked’. Now they are fit, they are a lot healthier and they look and feel absolutely amazing.

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